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X7 for volkswagen head rotor yanmar

  • X7 for volkswagen head rotor yanmar
  • photo 2
  • photo 3
Prix : 25 DT    
Référence : 136519
Type de l‘annonce : Vente
Type du bien : Appartement

Adresse : 7170 Cité Ennour Dahmani Le Kef

Appartement à vendre à Cité Ennour

x.7 for volkswagen head rotor yanmar
for head rotor ford yanmar
for head rotor cdc 4tnv98
for yanmar 4 cylinder diesel injection pump
E/ma/il:sandy at china-lutong dot net TAM-
dyhigh quality Material: Made of quality stainless steel, durable and resistant to damage.
100% test before leaving the factory, using sealed packaging to ensure product safety and stability.
Using vacuum hardening technology, the product quality is robust, standard size, easy to install and adjust.
Reduce co2 emissions, reduce noise, improve fuel economy, better reliability and stability.
Fast delivery within 3-5 days if stock available.
China Lutong has its own aftermarket brand called DIZZO , with more than 10000 variety of nozzle available in stock and capable of manufacturing based on customer's requirement.#x.7 for volkswagen head rotor yanmar#

Nombre de pièce(s) : 1
Nombre de salle(s) de bain :
Nombre de salle(s) d'eau :
Année de Construction :
Surface habitable : 100 m²
Surface Totale : 100 m²
Nombre de place de Voiture : 1
Numéro / Nombre d'étages :
Orientation :

Caractéristiques :

Ajoutée le : 25/08/2023

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