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Fuel injector control valve for actuator valve injector cat

Fuel injector control valve for actuator valve injector cat
Prix : 14 €    
Référence : 136555
Type de l‘annonce : Vente
Type du bien : Garage

Adresse : 9113 Ourgha Bir El Haffey Sidi bouzid

Garage à vendre à Ourgha

#c18 fuel injector control valve for ACTUATOR VALVE INJECTOR Cat#
Chris Zeng
#Excavator Injector Control Valve#
#Fit for CAT injector C12 Control Valve#
#fit for CAT C13 Injector Solenoid Valve#
#fit for C12 O-ring Repair Kits#
#fit for CAT C13 Injector Solenoid Valve#

w-h-a-t/s-a-p-/-p:0 0/8 6/1 3 3 8/6 9 0 1-/3 6 5

Since 1982 our staff has provided diesel engine parts, especially diesel fuel injection components with fast and efficient supply of quality spare parts. Our years of experience have helped us to develop an extensive product stock. The growth was assisted by the company's commitment to provide the highest levels of customer service, and product reliability.

In time, our commitment to excellence remained the same, but this new development allowed the company to pursue other business opportunities and further expansion. Our friendly and dedicated staff are trained and experienced in servicing the diesel fuel injection industry and are always eager to assist.


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Ajoutée le : 26/08/2023

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